Tips For A Functional Nursery

When designing your baby’s nursery or bedroom, it can be tempting to make it look adorable without paying attention to practicality. Caring for a young baby can be a monumental test of your multitasking and organisational skills; therefore, a functional nursery is crucial. That said, there is no reason for you not to have a functional nursery that is equally cosy and aesthetically pleasing - after all, your newborn will spend roughly 75% of their time fast asleep! Here are some tips for maintaining a functional yet comfortable nursery for your little one. 

Consider Your Colour Palette

Traditional baby nurseries are vibrant, colourful and busy. While contrasting colours can help stimulate brain growth and visual development, softer, more neutral tones help to create a relaxing, soothing environment. As such, many parents choose to decorate their baby’s nursery with soft, desaturated hues with the occasional pop of vibrant accent colour. Opt for pale sage green, lavender, creamy whites and light greys, adding brighter tones in the form of artwork, toys and soft furnishings. 

Pick The Right Time To Decorate

While it may be tempting to crack out the paint and wallpaper as soon as you discover you’re expecting, it may be worth waiting until at least the end of the first trimester (12 weeks into your pregnancy). While it may seem overly cautious, studies show that the risk of miscarriage decreases significantly after the 12-week mark. Many parents prefer to leave any announcements and preparations until the second trimester. On the other hand, decorating can be tremendously strenuous and physically demanding, so avoid leaving the hard work until the last month or so. 

The Importance Of Lighting

Soft, ambient lighting is the best option for your baby’s nursery. To create a relaxing, calming atmosphere, avoid harsh overhead lighting and instead opt for multiple soft overlapping pools of light from shaded lamps and nightlights. The last thing you need during a night feed is to stumble around due to poor lighting, so it may be worth installing a dimmer switch. Furthermore, while blackout curtains may help your baby sleep during nap time, sunlight can help regulate their sleeping patterns.

Keep It Uncluttered

A cluttered nursery can be exceptionally hazardous. If your baby’s room contains an excess of toys and decorations, keeping it tidy can be a challenge, and with a newborn to care for, time and energy levels are limited. Make life much easier for yourself by limiting clutter and maximising floor space, so your baby has plenty of room to play and explore. A great way of minimising mess and making tidy-up time a cinch is to store all of your baby’s toys in easy-to-access bins or boxes. 

Select Your Furniture Carefully

The functionality of your furniture is something to consider carefully - the most important piece being the crib. Baby beds come in many varying sizes and designs, from traditional, standard rectangular cribs to multi-functional convertible cots. Select a sturdy, durable crib with a snuggly-fitting mattress and bars spaced no more than 2 3/8 inches apart. As for your nursery’s other furniture items, ample storage is crucial. Opt for a changing unit complete with drawers and cupboard space so you can conveniently store all of your baby’s essentials. You could also utilise vertical storage for clothing and toys if space is limited. 

Display Your Books

Another fantastic method of limiting clutter and ensuring your baby’s room is as functional as possible is to display their books. Front-facing books offer a colourful, engaging addition to the nursery environment, enticing your baby to explore literature from a young age. Front-facing book storage also enables you to see what books you have available, so you can regularly rotate them, which is an excellent way to maintain your little one’s interest in reading once they reach toddlerhood. 

Comfortable Seating

It is vital your baby’s nursery features some form of comfortable seating for feeding time and bonding. Many parents and babies alike enjoy the soothing motion of a rocking chair, whereas others might prefer something softer and more plush, such as an armchair. Position your chair close to your baby’s crib so you can sit comfortably while you read to them, feed them and soothe them to sleep. 

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