8 Tips for Working from Home

Since the 2020 lockdowns, an increased number of people are choosing to work from home. While your current occupation may be altogether location or office-based, you may be on the lookout for a change of career that accommodates remote working.

Those already working from home will be privy to the benefits in terms of flexibility and well-being; nevertheless, with advantages come disadvantages. Whether you’re conducting a small business or working remotely as part of a team, productivity and staying motivated can be tricky for some. Here are some tips for being effective and efficient whilst working from home. 

Get Ready For Your Day

Whether you enjoy working in the comfort of your pyjamas or donning an office-appropriate outfit, getting yourself up and ready for the day will significantly increase productivity. A morning routine, such as having a shower, coffee, and a substantial breakfast, will brighten your mood and prepare you for the day ahead. If you work at a desk, you may even find it helpful to energise yourself by doing something physical, such as yoga or walking the dog.

Ready Your Workspace

A clean, clutter-free workspace will create a calm, productive headspace. Many favour a separate dedicated workspace to differentiate work from leisure - this could be in the form of a home office or even a wall-mounted desk that you can fold away once the day is finished. Consider adding a houseplant or two to your desk area - not only will it add aesthetic appeal, but houseplants are effective in lowering stress levels and boosting mental well-being. 

Create a To-Do List

If you’re a self-proclaimed scatterbrain, compiling a daily to-do list will help you stay on track - this applies to work-related activities as well as household duties. Taking a few minutes out of your work schedule to put a load of washing on or make your bed will keep your environment clean and hassle-free. That said, don’t over-face yourself, and keep your workload realistic. 

Allow Yourself Breaks

On the subject of keeping things realistic whilst working from home, it is vital that you take breaks when needed. Working through your downtime to get things done ahead of time can be tempting, but this behaviour will only lead to burnout. Take your allocated lunch break and sign off at an appropriate time. Furthermore, if you work in front of a screen, hourly 5-minute breaks are essential for preventing headaches and eyestrain. 

Stay Organised

Another way of promoting productivity and effective time management is to stay organised. Folders of disorderly documents and an overcrowded inbox can be overwhelming, leading to a sense of chaos - this is especially relevant if you’re a small business owner. Equip your workspace with ample storage, and keep everything in labelled drawers or custom boxes to guarantee a structured and constructive working day.

Maintain Regular Working Hours

Suppose your career involves the flexibility of having no predetermined working hours. In that case, mapping out a schedule for yourself will help you stay on target. While choosing your own hours can be fantastic for fitting a career around family life and other commitments, it can be easy to let things slide. Setting regular start and finish times will help you keep a healthy work-life balance without falling behind on deadlines and targets. 

Get Some Fresh Air

Being cooped up indoors day after day is renowned for having detrimental effects on one’s mental and physical health, particularly if your work environment is synonymous with your home life - those who commute benefit from a change of scenery by leaving the house. Consider breaking up your day and getting some fresh air by taking a quick walk. If you’re able to work remotely, why not take your laptop to a coffee shop or even work from your garden? 

Don’t Get Distracted

Are you guilty of constantly checking your phone throughout the day? Social media is undoubtedly addictive and while being glued to our smartphones is no new concept, it can have adverse effects on the working day. Keep distractions to a minimum by keeping your phone on silent (and preferably out of reach) and turning off any media, such as the radio or TV, if you find they cause your mind to wander.


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